Reiki Tradition
Welcome to
School of Reiki

Reiki Tradition School of Reiki, are a Thriving Clinical Practice.
We trade from our Lovely, Beautiful, Tranquil and Relaxing,
'Therapy Rooms', The home of Reiki Tradition.
We are a Healing and Training Centre and School of Reiki
based in the picturesque village of Springhead, Oldham in Lancashire.
"Where you become a Happier Healthier You". We are also both a Professional Reiki Practitioner and a Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) Practitioner.

Reiki Tradition School of Reiki have over 40 years’ experience working solely with Reiki and are committed to preserving and conserving Reiki in its traditional form and entirety.
Specialising in the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing. We are both a professional Reiki Practitioner and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) practitioner.
Reiki Tradition are the leading and original 1st Accredited Reiki Training Provider and School of Reiki in the Northwest of England, since December 2015.
Accredited, Certified and Verified by the leading organisations.
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT), the Complementary Health Professionals (CHP), Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and the Reiki Council (RC).
Rest assured, Selecting Reiki Tradition School of Reiki as your Reiki Training Provider, you will be receiving the very best training within the Reiki Industry
Reiki Tradition value the importance of teaching to high standards and sharing the infinite knowledge of the Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Natural Healing to all. Student's attend our courses from all over the UK Oldham, Stockport, Rochdale, Lancashire, Sheffield, North Wales
and as far north as Lancaster, Kendal and Barrow in Cumbria, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Contact us now if you require any assistance choosing the right course for you. We are here to Help.
Reiki Tradition School of Reiki 'Stand up for Standards'
Website Last Updated 25th March 2025
Welcome to
The Pawsome World of Reiki for Animals
'A FREE to attend Accredited Reiki Course'

'Living or Working with Animals is a blessing and a pleasure,
imagine if you could strengthen that bond through Reiki'.
'We are a Nation of Animal Lovers
Statistics show that 62%
of UK households have a pet.
34% of these households own a dog.
That’s a massive 10 million people in the UK'.
Reiki helps with a number of things that our animals present to us, Anxiety, Stress, Pain, and Behavioural Issues. The power of Reiki would help both owner and animal live in a more comfortable and calmer environment together. As a reiki practitioner you would be able to understand your animals emotions and be able to help soothe those feelings.
In the Beginning:
Here at Reiki Tradition School of Reiki, working closely with student and fellow colleague Lynnette Jackson Mfht, we have put together 'The Pawsome World of Reiki for Animals' especially for animals and animal lovers and carers, whether that's at home or in a professional environment. We will talk and guide you through Reiki healing and how to help your animal with any ailments present. We will give you guidance and knowledge on reading an animal's body language and talk and demonstrate everything regarding Reiki for Animals. So, whether you're a pet owner or a professional or wanting to work within the animal world this course is for everyone to help animals live a Happier, Healthier, Holistic Life. This course gives you the unique opportunity to practice on real animals with real ailments.
We were finding that a lot of our students wanted to work with animals but were very unsure where to start, here at Reiki Tradition School of Reiki we decided to create a Two-day Animal healing course where you could come along and listen to a professional accredited course provider and teachers and meet likeminded people and a chance to network and to practice on real animals with real ailments.
The Pawsome World of Reiki for Animals was Born:
Soon after our initial thought on creating the course ‘The Pawsome world of Reiki for Animals’, we decided to rapidly move forward and advance this course and introduce this as an Accredited CPD Course. We approached our accreditors the Complementary Health Professionals who in turn work alongside with the Reiki Council - Reiki for Animals (RC) to start the process of Accreditation and Verification. Reiki Tradition School of Reiki are the only Accredited CPD Course for Animal Reiki, held with the CHP and the RC. After doing some research there are other organisations and society's offering very similar courses, however these courses are not open to the general public and only remain for members only.
It has always been our policy that everyone is welcome to learn how to carry out Reiki on Animals either on their own animals for domestic use or working professionally within Statutory Settings such as veterinary Surgeries, or Animal shelters or homes. This course is beneficial to those who are already Reiki Practitioners, but who's training wasn't to the Core Curriculum, this course can be classed as 'further development'. This course will teach you ‘Reiki on Animals’. Because this course is classified as 'Reiki for Animals' Students attending need to meet certain criteria and pre-requisites.
There is no better way and certainly no other Animal Reiki Course where you will be offered a unique chance to practice on live animals with real ailments, we will show you Reiki Healing techniques covering a huge amount of different scenarios of Illness.
Duration, Time, and day of Courses:
Duration 16 hours
Time 10am till 6pm
Usually held on a weekend Saturday Sunday
This CPD Course has been externally Verified by the:
Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
Reiki Council (RC) - Reiki for Animals
This course meets all the Syllabus Standards of the Core Curriculum and National Occupational Standards for the Safety of Animals in Reiki.
Core Curriculum (CC)
National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Complementary Health Professionals (CHP)
Reiki Council (RC) - Reiki for Animals
Students attending will require a prerequisite of:
Minimum Reiki 1st degree level, and the course should be in the system and style of Usui Shiki Ryoho system of natural healing.
2nd degree level students need to have held a minimum 2nd degree certification for 6-month duration and the course should be in the system and style of Usui Shiki Ryoho system of natural healing.
3rd degree level students need to have held a minimum 3rd degree certification for 12-month duration and the course should be in the system and style of Usui Shiki Ryoho system of natural healing.
All above courses must be classroom based (No Online course).
Student's need to have received Attunements in person.
Lineage of course should go back to Usui Mikao Sensei 1st Generation.
Proof of certification should be sent to Reiki Tradition School of Reiki in advance when booking the course.
Proof of Lineage going back to Usui Mikao Sensei 1st Generation should be sent to Reiki Tradition school of Reiki in advance when booking the course.
Fluent in the drawing and understanding of the Reiki Symbols.
Although this course is FREE, we ask for donations to our selected charity ‘Battersea’.
Assessment for attendee practitioners:
Students are required to carry out a 'End of 1st day' Written Test assessment.
Students are required to carry out a 'End of 1st day' Symbol Test assessment.
Students are required to carry out 'Case Studies'. It's required upon completion, 30 full Reiki sessions across at least 6 different animals of a minimum of 3 varying species, within 8 weeks must be written up, and submitted back to Reiki Tradition School of Reiki, using our online Form Submission and assessed by the tutor. This will include reflections on practice. A final observed session is also required.
List of Learning Outcomes, by the end of the course, students will be able to:
Apply non-invasive techniques to 3 different animals Cat, Dog and Horse.
Explain how Reiki can complement and support conventional veterinary care.
Take the case in line with the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and all health and safety legislation relating to animal welfare. This will include red flag issues, informed consent, GDPR and confidentiality.
Knowledge and understanding of essential details from the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 with related guidance from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Code of Professional Practice, called “Sessions of animals by unqualified persons”.
Understand that a complementary therapist cannot make a diagnosis or give advice on medication.
Know when to call a veterinary surgeon.
How to approach animals in a confident manner and put the animal at ease – establishing trust.
Create and adapt the right environment for working on animals.
Understand how to allow the animal to lead the session and know when to stop.
Assist with post-operative and pre-operative sessions.
Have awareness of the basic skeletal structures and locations of a Cat, Dog and Horse.
Have awareness of the basic muscle structures and locations of a Cat, Dog and Horse.
Have awareness of the basic organs structures and locations of a Cat, Dog and Horse.
Have awareness and locate the chakra positions on a Cat, Dog and Horse.
Work effectively with nothing but their hands.
Be able to adapt the environment for effective Reiki session.
Be able to accurately record sessions, reflect on session and give appropriate aftercare advice, to include 5 welfare needs of the animal.
Offer distant/absent healing techniques.
How to work in animal rescue centres.
Understand obligations in reporting animal abuse or neglect in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Understand insurance requirements for working with animals.
Understanding of Codes of Ethics and the importance of belonging to a professional association.
How to market yourself staying within legal requirements.
How to maintain professional boundaries.
Understand the need for continuing professional development.
Gain 'Continuing Professional Development CPD Points, by attending this course. Both Hours and Points are issued by certification.
16 Hours
16 Points
Reiki supports conventional veterinary care and is not a replacement for it. A veterinary diagnosis should be obtained prior to Reiki being offered where an undiagnosed illness/condition is suspected or known to exist.
Students/Practitioners attending our "Pawsome World of Reiki for Animals" course will be guided on the Reiki Council-Reiki for animals book, "Understanding Animals: A Working Guide for Reiki Practitioners". This book focuses specifically on cats, dogs, horses, donkeys and mules in relation to basic anatomy, physiology and behaviour. It includes information relating to health and safety, animal welfare and UK legislation which is also relevant to a wide range of other species.
Developed to support Reiki Practitioners for Animals to meet the criteria of the Reiki Council, it is a valuable reference resource based on key aspects of UK National Occupational Standards. Those teaching Reiki for Animals will find it an ideal book to include in their Reiki for Animals courses. This publication provides helpful information for anyone working with animals. To obtain a copy please use the link below:
If you would like to attend this special FREE Accredited course, please use the 'Register your interest to attend' form found below. Once we receive your form we will be in contact with the next available dates for you to attend. Thank-You
We are always looking for animals, to attend this special Accredited course. If you, the owner of an animal would like your own animal to come along to be part of this course and receive FREE Reiki treatments then we would love to hear from you. Please use the 'Pawrent Information Form' below, once we receive your form we will be in touch usually within 24 hours, Thank-You.